3D photogrammetry: Software allows analysis of digital capture for real-time field survey

Photogrammetry software is enabled to create and archive large files, data and images. In addition, it is ideal for building 3D maps using images that require high processing power. However, Photogrammetry is a tool for transforming photos into three-dimensional models, these images can be Drones / UAVs, for Laser Scanner they are used for other tools.

In this way, the entire project becomes much more accurate, effective and safe, all insurance costs are made with much more quality, in addition to reducing and training across all disciplines. Do you want to understand how BRASS uses technological methods to optimize all its projects? Be sure to check out the content of this article!

3D photogrammetry

Essentially,we capture photos in fine detail that enable the collection of 3D information from images taken during the field survey. That is, photogrammetry involves the process of taking juxtaposed photographs of some structure or objects and transforming them into 2D or 3D digital models.
This technology is already being used by many engineers, and even professionals from other areas who can even create topographic maps, drawings or point clouds supported by real models.

Types of 3D photogrammetry

Currently, an area of ​​photogrammetry and close-range photogrammetry (also known as proximity photography) are the two main types of photogrammetry on the market. See below for more details on each of them:

Short range photogrammetry
Proximity photogrammetry is the option where photographs are taken with camera models or models mounted on a tripod. This method is ideal for creating 3D models of field objects.

Photogrammetry area
Photogrammetry is the process of using aircraft such as, for example, the UAV to capture images of a certain area and later transform them into 3D models or digital maps.
In addition to aircraft, it is now possible to photograph the area using drones, which greatly facilitates the capture of data and images in areas that are difficult to access or even those that are inaccessible.

Advantages of digital reality capture

The Scanner is also used in Digital Capture, it can compare the gains in relation to the tachyometer and GPS RTK, which are the most well-known traditional methods used by engineers during field surveys.

As a consequence of reality capture, a range of images and products are produced that, in addition to improving and optimizing the entire process, can also build a rich digital base of valuable data.

In this way, the software can use this information to make an accurate, effective and intelligent analysis of all this data, or which also results in a digital model of the field where the project will be done.

In order to obtain the best results, here at BRASS we use Drones, Laser Scanner and UAVs which are some of the most modern tools and data collection technologies currently available on the market.

Do you want to know more about the advantages that digital reality capture can offer your company?

See below for some of the advantages it can offer:

These tools that enable remote field surveys provide much more security, because in addition to studying the possibility of professionals, they also make it possible to carry out the activity, allowing all the work to be done at a distance.

Reduction of costs and exercises?
The remote field survey is carried out with a reduced team of professionals, therefore, logistics, transportation are reduced and security is improved.
Therefore, in addition to the execution of the entire project being carried out with much more ease and precision, it also takes into account the company and, time and professionals involved.
In addition, they are exported much more and considerately, which facilitate efficient data during real-time field data survey.

More quality
Digital capture equipment quickly produces thousands of points that can be recorded with georeferenced data.
The methods for generating data are photogrammetry using UAVs, which are the most used by BRASS to generate much more accurate data with excellent resolution.
In addition to these advantages, it is easy to transform by use of our software into three-dimensional models of an area and surface, to include point clouds, contour lines, orthomosaics.

BRASS : the ideal choice for those who want to optimize a company’s operations and projects

Compared to conventional field methods, accurate digital laser capture using drones has proven to be very safe and accurate.
In addition, we have a team specialized and trained for optimal customer service, engineering and better service for the steel industry, engineering for mining, agribusiness and industry.
For this reason, here at BRASS we specialize in digital reality capture, which is revolutionizing the entire engineering field, not only here in Brazil, but also around the world.
This is why at BRASS we have taken a particular specialized interest in digital reality capture, which is revolutionizing the entire engineering field, not only here Latin America, but around the world.
Therefore, if you are seeking  to improve and optimize all projects and processes related to your operation, access  and find out how we can help your business evolve.