ProjectHighlights AllFeasibility Engineering Canela Aguas del ValleFeasibility Engineering for Tailings and Water Management Linga DR 57M Reservoir ExpansionEIA Collahuasi 210 ktpd Seawater Pumping SystemEngineering EIA for Existing 7″ Concentrate Pipeline BypassPreparation of sectoral permit folders for crossings of ravines and public roadsAudit of Operational and Maintenance Management of Concentrate PipelineAudit of operational and maintenance management of the concentrate pipelineEvaluation of the Operational and Maintenance Diagnoses for the Concentrate Transport Systems, Tailings Transport, and Desalinated WaterPre-Feasibility Level Study of the Rio Blanco Project Slurry PipelineDetailed Engineering of CNN PipelinesRheology Analysis and ReportingAnalysis of Scaling in 6/7″ Concentrate Pipeline at MEL