In 2017, BRASS conducted a study aimed at identifying the key strengths and weaknesses in the maintenance strategy executed by Minera Centinela for the concentrate transport system, specifically focusing on the pipeline from the Pump Station to the Terminal Dissipating Station located at the area of the pier (excluding pump stations).
In broad terms and based on the aforementioned context, the scope of the service primarily encompasses the following activities:
1.- On-site inspection of the condition of valve stations, monitoring stations, and the right-of-way strip along the concentrate transport pipeline, spanning from the Pump Station discharge to the Terminal Dissipation Station.
2.- Audit of the concentrate pipeline operation by assessing the implementation of the existing operational procedures.
3.- Audit of the concentrate pipeline maintenance strategy by evaluating the execution of the activities outlined in the Maintenance Plan and reviewing opportunities for improvement, considering experiences and Best Practices prevalent in the mining industry.
4.- Compilation of a report presenting conclusions, findings, and recommendations resulting from the review of the maintenance and operation management of the concentrate pipeline.